By Nicky Niedermeier ’12, LighterFare Section Editor
7:45 AM—You wake up suddenly after realizing you have hit the snooze button three times.
8:05 AM—You finally get to CCD. You wait five minutes to finally be waved through by the crossing guard.
8:10 AM—You get stuck behind a horde of Lower School moms in SUV’s who inexplicably insist on watching their four-year-olds get walked into the building while they sit in the parking lot with AC on full blast.
8:17 AM—You sprint from your inconvenient parking space in bufu to Mrs. Mapes office to sign in.
8:20 AM—A Bell—You try to surreptitiously slip into Mrs. Dunn’s English class. Unfortunately, she notices you and proceeds to sarcastically tear you to shreds while talking (and laughing) so fast only Mr. Dunn would be able to understand her. And just barely. Morally ragged, you take a seat and try to concentrate on iambic pentameter until Mrs. Dunn picks another victim.
9:10 AM—B Bell—Free Bell. You decide to try to finish the history paper you have due for today but end up talking with friends. Before you know it, the bell rings.
10:10 AM—C Bell—Time for Spanish. A few minutes after entering the classroom you realize you forgot basically every Spanish word you ever learned. You try to figure out how to respond to “Como estas?” before the bell ends.
11:00 AM—D Bell—You make it down to the lab room just in time for your first day of Chemistry with Mrs. Butler! You soon learn she expected you to learn the periodic table over the summer. Too bad for you! Be sure to finish those 30 WebAssign problems too (show your work!).
11:50 AM—E Bell—Double bell on the first day! Although it’s too early to do a lab, you nevertheless have to choose a lab partner. Unhappily for you, you were the last person in the room, so your lab partner for the year will be that kid you haven’t talked to since the 5th grade because they smell peculiar.
12:40 PM—Lunch—Best part of the day. You finally get to catch up with the friends you don’t have any classes with this year and grab a few cookies before the freshmen steal them all.
1:15 PM—F Bell—Time for history! You got lucky and Mr. Black is too busy making everyone laugh with his renowned story about the time he filled his school desk to overflowing with his own urine to actually make sure that you read that first packet about the Duomo.
1:55 PM—G Bell—Math. Did you have fun spending hours on that summer math packet? I’m sure you’ll have even more fun correcting it tonight after Mr. Plummer shows you that you did the entire thing wrong! Have it ready for tomorrow so you can take another test on summer material.
2:35 PM—H Bell—You’re finally free again, except this time none of your friends are in your free bell. Time to sit alone in the hallway, try not to look too awkward, and get started on all that homework. You are unsuccessful at both.
3:15 PM—You walk all the way out to bufu only to discover the inside of your car feels like a volcano. On the way out, you get stuck behind the same Lower School Moms from seven hours ago. You pray to various deities that this won’t be continuing all year.
3:40 PM—You get home and start homework, a.k.a get on the couch, turn on the TV, and log in to Facebook.
12:42 AM—You frantically try to finish your homework for tomorrow since your free bell drops. Instead, you fall asleep at your computer.
Get ready for another day at CCD!