Staying Positive

Laura Rozden, '22, Contributor


The global pandemic of coronavirus involved a lot of different changes in our everyday lives. It’s the time, when more than ever before we are thinking about the consequences of our activities; an ordinary Lyft ride, going to the shop, school or work become less safe in our eyes. In the evening news we hear about hundreds of new cases each day, so we are afraid of what tomorrow will bring. That’s why most of us stay home instead of going out. However, did literally everything turn make a turn for the worst? We asked the Country Day community about positive aspects of changes connected with COVID-19 at school!

The changes are visible everywhere; each day begins with taking student’s temperature, the school’s corridors are divided into right and left side by special stickers on the floor, everyone must keep a distance of 6 feet and wear masks all the time – these are just some of them. Although it’s hard to get used to this new situation, some of our friends and teachers have told us what positives aspects they see in current situation.

Lauren, a 10th grade student, really likes block schedule. Longer classes make less variety of subjects each day, so consequently there is less homework to complete for the next day. Now students do not need to sit as long with it.

Hannah, a student from 11th grade admits that all of the changes at school make her feel much safer than before. There is much better organization of school. For example, each student has assigned seating. Everything is precisely planned, explained, and consequently followed. Now, there is no option for any understatements or doubts.

Our friend, Reese, is a senior. Although he has joined our community this year, he enjoys a longer lunch time. There is enough time to eat the meal and even extra time to better prepare for the next class.

Even more responsibilities fell on our teachers than on us. Why? Because they have to follow the rules themselves, they also need to make sure that we, the students, stick to them for safety of us all. That’s why finding the positives came a bit harder for our faculty than for our friends. Anyway, let’s see what they said.

Mr. Fossett, our history teacher, highly appreciates the extended time of longer advisory. He uses it for various conversations with students, so he can get to know them and understand so much better than he had the opportunity before by getting point each other’s point of view. Thanks to this, relationships improved in the group.

Mrs. Butler, the chemistry teacher in our school, has a similar opinion and really enjoys using the time for activities with advisory students. For example, in September, when we all had to bring our books to read before going to lunch, they could go outside enjoying the wonderful weather and reading the great books at the same time. In turn, Mr. Faulhaber, admits that in this whole situation he positively perceives the responsible attitude of students. He very happy that he does not have to constantly remind us to wear the mask correctly or at all. Our little unexpected union in the fight against this invisible enemy is very positive for him.

As you can see, not everything has changed for the worse, you we need to find a small light in the darkness around us. Stay safe, but also remember to stay positive!