CCDX Week Review

Molly Briggs '19, Co-Editor-In-Chief

CCDX Week Review

Molly Briggs ‘19, Co-Editor-In-Chief


This is the first year that Country Day has ever done “CCDX Week,” a week right before spring break where students get to sign up for a class of their choice ranging from learning about psychology to making food. Previously, CCDS only had “Exploration Day,” which was more casual and less organized but involved less time not being in normal school. I have heard many mixed reviews from students about their CCDX Week experiences, and I wanted to compile them to see what people liked or disliked.

Personally, I loved my CCDX Week experience. I was in Movie Making, the only class run by students (seniors Sam Jaccaci, Stephen Fatuzzo, and Sam Taylor). We set out to make a movie lasting around five minutes that we would write, film, and edit all in five days. It was very cool to take a small idea and watch as it turned into a movie. Not only was the movie fun to make, but I also learned a lot. I got to see what it’s like writing a script, I got to learn how to use a lot of the film equipment, I got to act, and I got to learn how to edit film.

Many others also had an awesome CCDX week experience:

“I did the coffee one and I think it was super well organized and I enjoyed it a lot, but they definitely should have mentioned that they wanted people who would want to commit to working there over a period of time, seeing as it was the only project that lasted past CCDX week.”

While some lucky people like me got groups they found interesting, many others were stuck in groups they hated. Even though not everyone can get their first choice, many agreed that the week would’ve been better if the days were shorter.

“I’d rate my Songwriting class a 6/10. It would’ve been fun if I had liked songwriting, but it was so boring and we had too much time. They should only have half-days. There was no need for me to be writing songs from 8 to 3 for five days straight.”

“I just didn’t think that we had enough to do to fill the entire time frame, so I was kind of bored for a lot of the time.”

“Even if you had good groups the days were really long.”

Overall, CCDX week was a great experience for many, especially since the alternative was going to class. While I’m sure people would prefer being a little bored over real school, next year could potentially be a little different, with half-days or maybe even half the time in your class and half the time doing other fun activities such as a school-wide scavenger hunt or a field day. But, after all, this was the first time we’ve had a week devoted to exploratory classes, and there’s plenty of time to work out some of the kinks before next year.