By Hannah Taylor ’15, LifeStyle Section Editor
Confession: this article was supposed to be a guide on how to incorporate new spring trends into your wardrobe…
It’s post-spring break and people usually come back from their tropical getaways dressed in lace shirts, bright colours, and Bermuda shorts, accessorized with a Caribbean tan. While the significant change in skin color is obvious for some—I, on the other hand, am blessed with the paleness of a porcelain statue from Florence, Italy—this year there seemed a lack of shift towards springtime florals and highlighter brights. Why? Because Mr. Carr’s mustache was well-loved by Mother Nature, and after the shave she seems to be in mourning. So, instead of fighting her outbursts, here are some ways to survive the winter-summer smoothie:
- Refuse the urge to make the complete shift. While you may be itching to push out those heavy wool layers that are practically sweating in your closet, don’t. Snow is brewing underneath a thin sheet of warmth. Even though it’s April and the daffodils are out, those 40? and below days are not completely out of reach. Sad, but true.
- Be prepared. I’m not saying you should build a collapsible fallout shelter in the back of your minivan, but be sure to stock up. This means that pile of history readings, chemistry labs, and moldy pizza boxes gets pushed aside for the great mass that is preparation: snow boots, rain “gear” (whatever that means Mr. Fossett), shovel, sled, pick-ax (for those obvious icy moments), shorts, two gallons of water (in case of sudden blizzard, tornado or a mix of the two), a beach umbrella, and a lacrosse stick. For obvious reasons. Feel free to add 20 cans of tomato soup to the mix.
- Convince your mother to buy you a blazer. Unless you already have one, which is highly likely, seeing as Sperry-Topsider is considering setting up shop on the front fields. The jacket is versatile, can act as protection against impending sandstorms, and looks cute over a button-down or sundress. Just don’t pick hot pink, unless you’re planning on becoming a hard-core frat bro. (P.S.—In case of prom emergency throw it on top for quick coverage of spills or as a hair protectant as you madly dash through the rain).
- Treat your locker as a second closet. Over the years, school has developed a great capacity to fit the major climates into the mere three floors of the school: upper “U”: Sahara desert, science hallways: North American winds, Library: view of the monsoons of India, commons: Europe (cold increases further north), Mr. Brownstein’s room: Antarctica. Be prepared for the sudden changes, the school doesn’t have insurance on the sudden heat stroke or hypothermia of students. That said, if you forget, Mrs. Mapes has two suitcases of clothes organized by thickness, size, and colour right under her desk in case of
medical emergency. But I call dibs on the banana costume.