By Elizabeth Miller ’15, contributor
Last year, “Jimmy” was probably the most common name to hear shouted, spoken, or stuttered in the hallways of the Upper School. This year, Mr. Jimmy Gardner is one of the newest additions to the Cincinnati Country Day School faculty. However, he is no stranger to Country Day. An alumnus of the class of 2005, Gardner attended Thomas More College in Kentucky, where he majored in physics and math. Last year, Gardner returned to Country Day to teach a few classes. During that time, he was better known as “Jimmy” by students, who sincerely enjoyed his youthful presence in the school.
As an alumnus, many of Gardner’s colleagues are his former teachers. One of the most difficult adjustments for him was addressing his coworkers with their first names. He says, “It’s surreal. It’s weird sitting at lunch and discussing important things.” He is the first alumnus to come back to teach in the Upper School in seven years, the one before him being Mr. Leith. Mr. Dunn, one of Gardner’s science colleagues and former teachers says, “He’s brought much needed youth to an old and decrepit department.”
This year, Gardner returned as a full-time teacher of physics and algebra. The prospect of teaching was made more ideal because it meant a return to the CCDS experience that he had enjoyed so much. His decision to return to Country Day was influenced by his
positive memories of the environment. He also was drawn by all of the chances to participate in the community, one of which being the opportunity to coach Middle School teams. This year Gardner is helping out with Middle School football, basketball, and baseball. One of the things he loves about working here is that, unlike other workplaces, “it’s different every day.”
Mr. Gardner truly is a great addition to the Upper School’s math and science departments, as well as to the entire CCDS community. He is sure to make a lasting impression on the Upper School with his teaching ability and youthful exuberance.