By Avery Maier ’13, News Editor
This past fall seniors Basil DeJong and Chris Ferguson, started the Sporting Clays and Rifles Club. The S.C.R.C. is “a club of gun enthusiasts interested in shooting,” said Senior Dean of Students Fred Carey. About once a month the 10 club members go out to various shooting ranges to practice their gun skills.
DeJong and Ferguson decided to create the club to allow people to “go shooting as a large group, to motivate people to go shoot, and to have fun,” Ferguson said. “SCRC is a way for students who are
interested in safe, recreational firearms to get together and experience the interesting activity of sporting clays.”
The two seniors then approached Mr. Carey and asked him if he would serve as the S.C.R.C advisor. Mr. Carey, a lifelong hunter and shooter, said he “immediately and enthusiastically agreed.” Mr. Carey monitors the shooting sessions, but his “primary function is to remind club members which end of the gun the shot comes out of.”
The S.C.R.C. goes to the Indian Hill Gun Club or the Careys’ farm in Mt. Carmel for their meetings, but they are “trying to get a membership at the Milford range so [the group] can have a home,” said Jack Victor ’13, a member of the club. There they practice both shotgun and rifle shooting. “The shotgun shooting focuses on skeet and sporting clays, while the rifle shooting is all about hitting stationary targets,” Mr. Carey said.
“Clay pigeons are small orange discs that are thrown into the air and break into a bunch of pieces when hit by the pellets,” Victor said. The group practices shooting “not only with our shotguns, but [with] rifles and pistols” as well.
“It is a unique, skill oriented sport, and gives the members a chance to get together and have fun,” Ferguson said.
“Shooting in general, and shotgun sports in particular, are increasing in popularity for people of all ages,” Mr. Carey said. “This club was created to respond to that need.”
“[S.C.R.C.] provides a safe environment for people who enjoy shooting to go and shoot with their friends,” Victor said. He enjoys shooting because of the challenge and the excitement. “The first time I shot, I didn’t think it would be very challenging, but I was wrong. It takes a lot of practice and skill to get good.”