By Caroline Gentile ’13, News Editor
In 2005, 1 in 8 babies were born premature. That year, in Ohio alone, 18.3% of infant deaths were due to prematurity. CCDS is joining the fight against infant mortality and birth defects by supporting March of the Dimes, a multi-million dollar Prematurity Campaign dedicated to raising awareness and reducing the rate of premature birth.
To raise awareness and reduce the rate of premature birth, the March of Dimes launched a multi-million dollar Prematurity Campaign. Through the Prematurity Campaign, the organization hopes to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. March of the Dimes carries out this mission through research, community services, education and advocacy to save babies’ lives.
Dean of Service Learning, Ms. Deborah Floyd, said that the main Upper school initiative for the rest of the year will be to raise money to support the March of Dimes. Jeff March ‘80, father of Jenny March ’13, has generously offered to match the Upper School’s donation. But there’s a catch; students must raise $2000 by April 17, the date of the March for Babies walk in Cincinnati.
In response, the Tribal
Philanthropic Board and Student Council have teamed up to raise awareness and funds.
Some of the fundraising projects they have brainstormed include a “Cutest Faculty Baby Picture” contest, where “Students will vote with money on the most adorable teacher as a baby” Ms. Floyd said. Each class is also challenged to raise $500, which is easily accomplished by either registering for the walk or making a monetary donation. As an incentive, t-shirts will be given to the members of each class when they reach their $500 goal.
Other clubs in the Upper School are taking part in this initiative as well. The Gentlemen’s Committee hosted a movie night recently and donated the concession money to the March of Dimes.
Ms. Floyd is very enthusiastic about this cause. She said she hopes that there will be a huge team of CCDS students at the walk on April 17, all sporting their matching t-shirts. “Who doesn’t love babies?” she said. “In fact, we were all babies at one point, and are fortunate enough to be alive and thriving.”
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