By Claire Heinichen, ’11, Lighter Fare Section Editor
Every once in a while, while reading through the many fabulous articles on The Scroll, you are bound to feel a little restless, and in need of some neurological boosting. So, if you feel the need for a little jumpstart, why not play a game?!
Here’s how it works: The words in the titles of these movies have been replaced by words that mean their opposites, or their antonyms. If you figure it out post the answer (and the question) in a comment! Have fun, good luck!
1. Customers
2. BarelyGood
3. Your Small Skinny Turkish Funeral
4. Pepper
5. Peasant and Night
6. Take Her from the Turks
7. Kids
8. Women in White
9. Nice Men
10. Bald Blacksmith and the Bowl of Ice
11. Brotherhood of the Stationary Shirts
12. Ninjas of the Mediterranean
13. Loosing Shamoo
14. She’s Really Interested in Me
15. Abstinence and the Country
16. The 20-year-old slut
17. Dusk
18. You are Forgettable
19. The Dead Mild-Warning
20. Buy
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