On Friday, March third, CCDS held their sixth annual Diversity Day. The day began with three of our own students talking about their experience with diversity. They perfectly set the stage for the whole day to come and showed why diversity is important to people’s everyday lives. After that, we were introduced to keynote speaker Haroon Moghul, an American-Muslim author. He told us about his journey and history and encouraged us to be proud of our own diversity in life. Haroon wrote several books including his most popular, “How to be a Muslim: An American Story.” After Mr. Moghul’s empowering message, Jason Harris from LADD took the stage. Jason shared his experience with autism spectrum disorder and the importance of recognizing and supporting people with physical and mental disabilities. LADD inc. helps to provide living spaces for developmentally disabled adults. After hearing from Jason, we then watched the award-winning documentary “Crip Camp.” The documentary tells the story of a camp in the 70’s for the developmentally disabled, Camp Jened, and the biggest civil rights movement you’ve never heard of. The documentary finished just in time for lunch: a nacho bar! After lunch, we broke up into two forty-five minute sessions run by faculty, staff, and students about the diversity in their lives. Some of the sessions included Black Women and Their Hair, We’re Here: We’re Queer, and Latin Music and Dance. After ninety minutes total, we headed back to the Keeler Theater for a final keynote speaker. Dereck Gray, Vice President of Human Resources, Global Finance, and Accounting at Proctor and Gamble, took the time to talk to us about why diversity is important in a workspace. He explained why diversity enhances P&G’s ability to work with anyone and possibly more importantly, he gave out bags of candy. All in all, Diversity Day was a success with many interesting speakers that allowed everyone who attended to learn a lot of new things. Thank you to Mr. Tracey-Miller for all the work you did to make the sixth annual Country Day Diversity Day possible!