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Spring is my favorite season. The weather gets warmer, but it’s not too hot like summer and not too cold like winter. People get nicer, flowers grow, and it’s the time when people can put away their itchy sweaters and bring out their comfy shorts.
Spring starts out with a bang, a two-week break. Everyone gets to relax and have fun without thinking about school. It’s the time where we don’t have to think about the F we got on that science test or about what teacher is out to get us. Spring break is a time when you can go to interesting new places. It’s the time we get to relax before we have to work out butts off for exams. Whether you spend Spring Break in your room binge watching shows on Netflix or exploring a new country, you still have an amazing experience.
Spring time is also when the weather starts to get warmer. I can finally stop dressing like a 90-year-old man and can start dressing like me. Instead of always wearing jeans and a sweatshirt to school, I can wear skirts and dresses. I no longer have to be stuck at home all day. I can go outside to the park or I can go to the pool and hang out with my friends. When I wake up in the morning, the car isn’t freezing. I don’t have to sit there for five minutes in agony waiting for the heating to work. Things grow in the spring. Cherry blossoms come and there are beautiful flowers everywhere. You don’t go outside and only see brown and white, but you see colors.
Spring makes people happy. Seasonal depression affects about 10 million Americans every year. When spring comes people no longer feel terrible about doing things and feel energetic and excited. The days are longer, so I feel like I get more done. It no longer gets dark and 5:00 pm, and I no longer have to sit in a dark room doing my endless amount of homework. I know I’m not so lazy during spring because I’m so close to summer. I can do more of my homework without dreading it. During the winter when you walk around the school halls you see everyone sad and lethargic but during the spring people say “hi” to you and no one’s walking around sad. By this time seniors also don’t have to worry. They are finally in college and can relax for a little bit before leaving.
Sports can finally start being played outside. People can play tennis, lacrosse, track, etc. without freezing to death. You can finally get that tan that you’ve been waiting for all winter.
The main reason for spring being the best season is that school’s over. You’re finally done with the dreadful and long school year.
I love spring. Spring makes me happy. No one can tell me otherwise because for these reasons and so many more, it is the best and happiest season of the year.