The Importance of Art in Our Community


Aadhya Ramineni ’19, Arts and Entertainment Editor

The photos from last week’s assembly were just a glimpse of the amazing artwork our community is producing. Our biannual art shows are an integral part of promoting creativity and making our school a more well-rounded place.

Developing photos in the dark room, print making, and painting, the art and photo students have been busy creating works of art. We were given the difficult task of curating our best work for the upcoming winter art show; Last Friday, from 7-9 we shared this work with the CCD community. 

So often in schools, arts, especially visual arts are viewed as insignificant. But, imagine our school without art. It would be a desolate and boring structure (but technically even that would be an art: architecture). Author, Jason Reynolds expressed it best when a CCD student asked him to speak about the lack of emphasis on the arts: “[humanities] are necessary there is nothing else to live for if there was no art…[it] is woven into the fabric of who we are.” Although we take it for granted, art is a fundamental part of society and it affects all aspects of our lives. Imagine a CCD that gave more importance to the arts. Whether you’re a faculty member, student, or parent, as a member of the community you should be a part of the movement to value the arts.