By Rebecca Miller, ’12, Contributor
Tuesday Evening.
Days Until Opening Night: 2
Today we added lighting to the scenes. This play uses lots of partial lights and spotlights, so at times it was tricky. We also added sound effects, so we had to work out the timing for those. Juniors Jordan Komnick and Mick Abrahamson will be running lighting and sound, so they had to stay late with us today, which was incredibly nice of them.
Fortunately, the costumes Mr. Femia ordered came in today and we were able to practice in them. A costume can often completely change the way you play a role, so it’s important to be able to practice with them. Since we all play several different characters, we had to incorporate our many costume changes, which can be a difficult task.
The other big change today was that no one was on book anymore. In theater speak “on book” means there is someone following along in the script and can yell lines to you if needed. But today, if anyone forgot their lines, everyone in the scene had to try to keep the scene moving. This usually includes lots of improvisation. The good news of the day was that we all pretty much knew our lines, so no one really needed to improvise…that much.
Tomorrow we have dress rehearsal, which is run just like a real show. We eat at 5 and then start running the show at 7. We run the show as if we have a live audience, meaning we don’t stop at all. We are all really excited, but the nerves are beginning to kick in. Hopefully we’ll all feel better when we begin performances.
Again, we perform Thursday and Friday at 7 and Saturday at 1 and 7. Tickets can be purchased via credit card at or at the door the day of the show. We hope everyone can make it!