By Madeleine Morales ’18, Lifestyle Section Editor
At 10:00 am on January 21st, Independence Avenue and Third Street in Washington D.C. will be packed with thousands of people from all around the country and world, marching “in solidarity with [our] partners and children for the protection of [our] rights” at the Women’s March on Washington.
On November 9th, the day after Donald Trump’s election for presidency, Rebecca Shook, of Hawaii, decided to create a Facebook dedicated to a march she envisioned for the day after President-elect Trump’s inauguration because of her disgust regarding his sexist, racist, and xenophobic comments and actions. Less than twenty-four hours later, Shook’s page was shared on the pro-Hillary Clinton page, Pantsuit Nation. Less than a day afterwards, 10,000 people had already declared their attendance, per an article by The Washington Post.
One of the head organizers, Breanne Butler, commented: “We’re doing it his very first day in office because we are making a statement.” Izzy Hensley ’18, agrees with Butler, and will be attending the march alongside her mother, who walked on that same street during college for the peaceful march in protest of the attempted overturning of Roe v. Wade. Izzy claims that “[they] are both very unhappy with the election results and don’t want women’s rights to be forgotten with this transition in office.” Ready for a life-changing experience, Izzy and her mother embark on their empowering quest to Washington D.C. on Friday night with the “Warren Country Democrats,” decked in the march’s official merchandise and pussycat hats, knitted by her mother.
A week before the march, a group of confirmed 200,000 individuals have officially signed up on the Facebook page or have alerted the Women’s March on Washington organization via email, with more sign-ups coming in each day. The anticipated 300,000-400,000 women, men, and children will come by bus, plane, train, car, and bike to the event with friends, family, or local/regional political groups. Sister marches are being held in every state, so all individuals fighting for the solidarity of women’s rights in social and political atmospheres can voice their opinions and march with heads held high.
Please wish all faculty and students you know to be marching a safe and pleasant experience.
For more information, the official site is pasted below.