By Kathryn Burress ’16, Contributor
Premiering in April of 2004, Mean Girls has practically become a classic movie for today’s teenagers: its quotable lines and famous cast are impossible not to love. Eleven years later, fetch still isn’t happening (except for on my license plate, thanks dad), candy cane sales during the holidays bring up plenty of Glen Coco references and the die-hard fans wear pink every Wednesday. Of course, when I say die-hard fans, I am referring to myself.
Some may find my love for the movie Mean Girls a bit extreme; I often get asked “Do you really wear pink every Wednesday?” and the answer is yes, I do. I highly recommend that everyone else does too. Why? For starters, there’s the most practical reason: it’s nice to have one day of the week where I know what I’m going to be wearing. Instead of staring at the plethora of collared shirts I have accumulated over my years at Country Day, I can jump right to the section of my closet I have sorted out for pink shirts. It takes time out of my Tuesday night, not having to choose from my entire closet, and everyone loves extra time.
For me, there’s also the nostalgia factor. Mean Girls brings back memories of my sister and her best friend taking me to the mall when I was in the seventh grade and jokingly telling me “you can’t sit with us” whenever we got dinner in the food court. It brings back memories of my 16th birthday party, where it served as background noise amidst teenagers having etch-a-sketch competitions.
I’m not going to pretend like Mean Girls is the best movie I have ever seen; the humor is cliché, but then again that’s why it sticks. For a high school-aged kid who’s in the process of taking SAT’s and ACT’s and writing their junior reflection (or not writing it, sorry Mr. McGivern), it’s nice to have that little something that brings you a small smile in the midst of all the craziness.
Why do I wear pink every Wednesday? Because it’s simple. It’s fun. It’s a little bit childish at a time where I’m supposed to become an adult. So you should wear pink every Wednesday also. Maybe not in a literal sense, but put something into your routine that reminds you to have just a little bit of fun every once in a while. Find your pink shirt, put it on, it’ll make you smile.