By Mia Fatuzzo ’15, News Section Editor
When Ms. Chantal Thornberry and her husband were looking for jobs closer to home (her husband hails from Louisville) her husband decided on teaching Spanish at Seven Hills, but she fell in love with Cincinnati Country Day School. She was delighted by the students, whom she describes as warm and articulate, and by Mrs. Luebbers, who was very helpful and open.
Although Ms. Thornberry initially went to graduate school for English literature, she discovered a passion for teaching and switched her focus to secondary education. Her favorite author is revered English poet of the Middle Ages Geoffrey Chaucer, on whom she will be teaching an elective on second semester. She is currently teaching two sections each of freshman and senior English.
Before coming to Country Day, Ms. Thornberry taught at a Catholic high school in Chicago, Illinois and then at Breck School in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She has a 17 month old son who goes to the Early Childhood House at Country Day and, although she hasn’t gotten the opportunity quite yet, she looks forward to exploring the city of Cincinnati.