By Claire Beyette ’15, Arts Section Editor
What’s better than two CCDS theater productions? Three CCDS theater productions! Making an unprecedented move, Drama Director Mark Femia has decided to lengthen an already exciting season to include an extra play in the spring.
In the fall, students will be tackling Almost Maine, a vignette based show, set in the town of Almost Maine, a place so small and so far away that it almost doesn’t exist, where the residents suddenly find themselves falling in (and out of) love. Each vignette shows us a different person’s story. By choosing a play with scenes that stand alone, Mr. Femia is able to showcase every student, rather than being forced to cast some actors in secondary roles. All in all, a sweet mixture of romance, tragedy, and comedy, you don’t want to miss this play. Performances will take place from October 23 to October 25.
For the winter musical, Mr. Femia has selected Anything Goes, a show which he describes as one of the “top five shows” that he’s wanted to do as a high school director. In this roaring comedy, everyone from second-rate gangsters, to evangelists turned night club singers, is stuck together on a boat crossing the Atlantic. In preparation for the tap dancing required by this dance-heavy show, Mr. Femia will be offering a series of weekend tap lessons. These lessons are open to anyone who thinks that they might be interested in preforming, but no commitment is required. Anything Goes will come to Keeler Theatre February 26 through February 28.
The final show this year will be The 39 Steps, a comic rewrite of one of Alfred Hitchcock’s classic films. Adding to the new experience of a spring play, Mr. Femia said, the show will operate under a cut policy. In this show four actors are asked to play over 100 different roles, including heroes, villains, innocent bystanders, and even the occasional in adamant object. Need we say more? Just that it will be riotously funny. Look forward to this crazy show on the 23rd to the 25th of April.
Photo credits: www.anythinggoesontour.com