Why High School Should Embrace Makeup


By Lila Joffe ’21, Contributor

Makeup—this a word that many people associate with insecurity and ugliness. Many people assume that wearing makeup makes you “fake” and is “unrealistic”, when in reality, makeup can be whatever you want it to be. If makeup is spoken about, you will most likely hear the sentence, “I don’t need makeup because I already have good skin.” If people (both girls and boys) do decide to wear makeup, they are usually secretive about it, not wanting other people to find out that they’re looks aren’t 100% natural.

There are many misconceptions about makeup, for example, that makeup is worn to attract others. This is false: the whole point of makeup is to feel confident about yourself. Although some choose to wear makeup to cover up acne scarring or pimples, makeup is so much more than covering up your insecurities. Makeup is a way of expressing yourself, and some even consider makeup an art form.

Makeup is usually thought of as a girly joke, but it is how thousands of people make a living.  From social media stars, beauty editors, and lab technicians, makeup is a fast-growing industry, especially with boys beginning to wear makeup. Affordable makeup company Colourpop is one of the fastest growing brands in the United States, and owners of makeup stores like Emily Weiss of Glossier are making millions in the popular industry.

The best way of understanding makeup is learning its origins. In Ancient Egypt, women used kohl and burnt matches to accentuate their eyes, fruits to color their lips, and even used urine to hide their freckles. In 3000 BCE China, the trend of nail coloring had just begun when the Chinese used gum to darken their fingernails, and later started to use rice powder to lighten their complexions. In Ancient Rome, skincare regimens were discovered when women put flour on their imperfections. Even thousands of years ago, women (and sometimes men) used makeup to make themselves feel and look beautiful.

Everyone always seems to have an opinion on makeup, whether people are wearing too much or too little. Makeup is a way to make yourself feel beautiful, and it is really no one else’s business but yourself. In the end, makeup is a choice, and it is yours to make. So, keep on slaying, people!